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2020 Photo Story

The brief was this. 'Show me your world in photos, show me your perspectives, photograph an emotion'. And so they did. Here is a collection of photos by some students I have worked with this year. Students range in ages from 10-17 years old. I hope you enjoy seeing their art....Head over to the gallery page to see the awesome photo talent:


I have some special news to share. Christmas came early for me. The Shire of Broome has gifted me some funding. In addition to a private donation  I will now be able to spend 2-3 weeks in Broome and the Dampier Peninsula in May 2021. I am so grateful....

A hidden treasure of the Kimberley is Horizontal Falls. This has been on my Kimberley bucket list and I will be doing this and some camping at Kooljamon after the roadtrip. Just reminding you to go after what you want. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Wishing you a safe and peaceful festive season. 

To Sydney, see you in 2021!

With gratitude,
